The goal in Badugi Card Game is to create the lowest possible hand consisting of four cards, each of a different suit and rank.
The best possible hand is A-2-3-4, each card of a different suit. ("BADUGI" = "GOLF").
2. Hand Rankings
In Badugi Card Game, hand rankings are different from traditional poker games. Here’s how they work:
4-card with different suits and numbers, and is the highest in the rank of Badugi Card Game.
EXAMPLE: MADE 6 HIGH A♠ 4♣ 5♦ 6♥ (1-4-5-6, MADE 6 HIGH)
The three best hands in Made are called Golf, Second, and Third in that order.
“GOLF (BADUGI)": Four cards of different suits and is made up of A, 2, 3, 4, making it the 1st highest rank. A♣ 2♥ 3♦ 4♠ (A-2-3-4, all different suits)
“SECOND”: Four cards of different suits and is made up of A, 2, 3, and 5, making it the 2nd highest rank. A♠ 2♦ 3♣ 5♥ (A-2-3-5, all different suits)
“THIRD”: Four cards of different suits and is made up of A, 2, 4, and 5, making it the 3rd highest rank. A♥ 2♣ 4♦ 5♠ (A-2-4-5, all different suits)
2.2 BASE:
Three cards of different suits and numbers, but the remaining card overlaps the suits or numbers of the other three cards.
Example of duplicate numbers: If the numbers overlap, there is no superiority or inferiority of suits in low Badugi Card Game. It doesn't matter when comparing it to other bases. 2♣ 9♠ J♦ J♥ (J-J, same numbers) A♥ 5♦ 5♣ Q♣ (5-5, same numbers)
Example of duplicate suits: If the suits overlap, except for the larger number of the two cards. The remaining three cards determine the opponent's base and superiority. A♣ 6♣ 7♥ 10♠ (A♣-6♣, same suits) 6♣ 7♦ J♦ K♠ (7♦-J♦, same suits)
Hand of four cards consisting of only two types of suits or two types of numbers. When comparing with other two-base cards, two cards with different suits and the lowest numbers are picked and compared.
Example: In the case below, there are only two types of suits: ♣ and ♦. The smallest number among ♦ is 7, so ♣ 4 ♦ 7 becomes "TWO BASE" and determines superiority with another "TWO BASE". 4♣ 7♦ 10♦ J♦ (4♣ 7♦, TWO BASE)
Example: In the case below, although the suits are all different, there are only two types of numbers: 2 and Q. 2 and Q of two cards determine superiority with another "TWO BASE" in any suit because there is no superiority or inferiority based on suit in Badugi Card Game. 2♦ 2♠ Q♥ Q♣ (2-Q, TWO BASE)
Example: In the case below, ♣ 4, 8 and ♦ 4,J has two identical suits, so it becomes "TWO BASE". In addition, when two cards have the same number, it is called "TWO BASE". 4♣ 8♣ 4♦ J♦ (4-8♣ / 4-J♦ TWO BASE)
TIP : Badugi Card Game basically means "Low Badugi Card Game". In Badugi Card Game, when the suits and numbers of the four cards are all different, the smaller the largest number, the better the HAND. If the same type of HAND comes out, they are compared in order starting from the highest number and the one with the lowest number wins. There is no superiority or inferiority based on the suit of the card. Therefore, there may be cases where it is impossible to determine the winner, and in this case, there will be multiple winners and the stake will be divided.
3. Gameplay
Select the stake channel you want.
There are 5 types of stake rooms. ※ Minimum chips is each room’s stake x60 multiple.
If there are already channel rooms, go in and place your bet without hesitation.
※ Minimum chips is each room’s stake x60 multiple.
You can also open a room by yourself.
Each player can usually take one of the following actions when it is their turn to act :
· FOLD : Give up the round
· CHECK : No Bet
· CALL : Bet the same amount of chips as the player in front of you
· BET : Players may bet if no other players have bet during the current round. Once a bet has been made, other players must ‘call’ by matching the amount bet, in order to remain in the hand.
· HALF : Bet 50% of the total POT.
· MAX(ALL-IN) : Bet all chips
※ BET RESERVATION : Players can reserve bets in advance based on the betting actions of the players in front of the player.
Players have a total of three opportunities to draw or pass their cards during a round.
· PASS : If a player is happy with their hand, they can stand and pass (not draw any cards)
· SWAP : If a player is unhappy with their hand, they can draw cards.
Badugi Card Game is basically ante-based game. ※ Ante : Before a game, all players post the stake amount.
· BLIND BET : All players post the same blind based on the stake.
· DEALING : Each player receives four cards.
BETTING ROUND : Badugi Card Game typically has four rounds of betting:
First Betting Round: · Players bet based on their initial four cards. · Players can fold, call, or raise.
MORNING (First Drawing Round) : · Players can discard any number of cards and receive new ones from the dealer to improve their hand. · If a player is happy with their hand, they can stand and pass (not draw any cards)
Second Betting Round : Another round of betting occurs. Players can fold, call, or raise.
NOON (Second Drawing Round) : · Players again have the opportunity to discard and draw cards.
Third Betting Round : Another round of betting occurs.
EVENING (Third Drawing Round) : · The final opportunity for players to discard and draw cards.
Final Betting Round : The last round of betting occurs.
Showdown : · After the final betting round, players reveal their hands. · The player with the best hand wins the pot.